Monday, March 3, 2025

February 2025

 This month we met at Diane Spackman's home.  Lenette Poole helped with the refreshments. 

Diane shared some organizing ideas that have helped her with fabric yardage and quilting.  

Diane also showed a fun idea for a family for the 25 days before Christmas.  Put a puzzle of your choice, together,  (this one was 500 pieces) divide the puzzle into 25 separate parts (5x5).  Take each 25 piece section apart.  Put the 25 pieces of each part into 25 envelopes labeled with numbers 1 thru 25. An envelope is then opened by the family, one each day the month of December.  One part of the puzzle is complete.  On Christmas day the last envelope is opened and the entire puzzle should then be complete.

Here is the puzzle that Diane has used.

This is a quilt top Diane made.  It is her "manly" quilt and made all from her stash. No fabrics were harmed purchased in the making of this quilt.

A small quilt Diane made with the 3 inch squares leftover from the above quilt.

The fabrics above are designs by Jen Kingwell. These are called Lollies and are great to use when making a "Cake Mix Recipe" quilt. (Paper Piecing)  Kingwell will be releasing new Lollies fabrics in the near future.  She is an Australian Quilter.
Use when piecing batting pieces together. Just iron it on the edges of the battings.
Use when needing a straight edge to sew or quilt along.
Diane also showed a sample of "skinny borders".  Look up the tutorial on You tube.
Robyn made this Valentine table topper after seeing Jean's from last month

Robyn also made this Irish Chain quilt.

This photo shows the cute backing.

Robyn also made this quilt using a triangle ruler and her brain.  This fabrics are indigenous fabrics from Australia!!!! 

Kathi crocheted this blanket

Kathi also crocheted this cactus

Rachel made this table topper using the same pattern as Jean.

Rachel also made this quilt

This shows the fur backing that Rachel used

Jo also made her version of Jean's table topper

Jo made this. She and Rachel had a quilting day where they made the same patterns.

Jo made this table runner

And Jo also made this table runner

This month Caren made quite a few donation quilts. They are hand tied and made with whole cloth pieces of flannel, front and back. Caren uses full loft batting. So soft!

Jeannie made this quilt top

Cindy crocheted the 2 hats and knitted the sweater

                                                                Our yummy treats!
                                                                THANK YOU ALL!!!
Here is our upcoming schedule to Summer:
note: updated:

March 26th     Host:  Lenette Poole
                        Helpers:  Rachel and Jo

April 30th       Host:  Robyn Chamberlain
                        Helper:  Caren Beal

May 28th       Host:  Nancy Christensen
                      Helper:  Cindy Anderson

Sunday, February 16, 2025

January 2025 Meeting

January 2025 Material Girls Idaho quilt group.
Meeting held at Jean Hancock's home
Lenette made this sweater

Jo made this
Rachel's quilt
Back of Rachel's quilt

Rachel also made this quilt

The back of Rachel's quilt

Rachel made these cute hearts

Rachel also made this tote

Monica's quilt
Jeri's quilt

Cindy's table runner
Cindy also made all of the following cute sweaters!

Jean made this table topper

Darla made this quilt and the following quilts

Games and Lunch

Game we played and fortune cookie in honor of Jean's daughter who likes to play jokes on others!

Kitchen towels jean made with fun quilt sayings on them

Lynette made these amazing cupcakes with filling inside and a caramel heart chocolate on top
Chicken pasta salad

Homemade rolls and jam

Tips Shared

Thank You Jean and Lenette for organizing our meeting.