On April 28th, we met at Maurene Lamm's home in Eagle. There were 13 members in attendance: Carolanna Mellen, Diane Spackman, Lenette Poole, Susan Tway, Kathi Thompson, Tracey Braithwaite(newest member), Nancy Fahnestock, Rachel Lamm, Maurene Lamm, Robyn Chamberlain, Corrie Munson, Lori Schroath and Diane Beagley. Mary Lloyd dropped in briefly and left several plastic 3 inch template strips for us to take and use with our Vintage Baby Blocks quilts! Rachel Lamm updated the group on the quilt for cancer reaserch that we made 2 months ago. It will be donated to the cancer charity called Expedition Inspiration.
The "Pizza Box Exchange" activity is under full swing. Each person brought a block to be passed in their pizza box to a different member, exchanging every meeting for the next 12 to 15 months. The blocks all vary, from 30's fabrics to black and white to novelty to using shirting from old dress shirts. We missed getting a picture of a couple of the blocks. We will update those next month, and include those of a few members who were not in attendance today. After an inspiring "sew and tell" session, we visited and enjoyed mini muffins and fruit smoothies created by Maurene. Thank you. Next month we will meet at Nancy Fahnestock's home on Wednesday, May 26th. The plan is to make a star shaped red white and blue table topper. Lori will do the demonstration.

Diane S.'s table runners

Diane S.'s exchange block

Rachel's exchange block

Rachel's quilt

Rachel's quilt

Rachel's block

Rachel's table topper

Another of Rachel's table toppers

Close up

Rachel's quilt

Carolanna's exchange block

Carolanna's quilt

Carolanna's quilt. Experimenting with rickrack

Carolanna's quilt

Carolanna's quilt

Carolanna's quilt

Susan's exchange block

Susan's quilt

Susan's quilt

Corrie's exchange block

Corrie's purse

Corrie's Vintage triangle quilt

Diane B.'s exchange block

Diane B.'s daughter's skirt

Mary's exchange block

Maurene's exchange block

Maurene's work in progress

Kathi's daughter's baptism quilt

Kathi's exchange block

Monica's exchange block

Robyn's exchange block

Robyn's quilt

Nancy C.'s exchange block

Lenette's Bullseye friendship quilt

Lenette's quilt

Sew and flip stars designed and made by Lori. We will be making these next month!

Lori's exchange block.
Wow, I'm impressed!! Wish I could have attended the meeting but the photos are great - almost as good as being there. Hope to see you next month. Linda Ingram
How can I purchase a pattern for your flip stars. I love them.
Interested in the pattern for flip stars as well!!!
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