Monday, February 4, 2019

January 2019

A new year and lots of fun new ideas for quilting projects from our show and tell today. A big thanks to Jean for hosting and Cindy helping with the food. It was great to see everyone again after Christmas break. Our next meeting will be Feb. 27th at Nancy C.'s home. Here is our show and tell:

Jean made this applique pillowcase.

This is a disappearing 4-patch quilt that Jean made.

Cindy made this penguin quilt, Hawaiian Penguins

Nancy also made this one using a lot of fabric from her stash. The palm trees were from clipart.

Here is Cindy's embroidered label on the back of her quilt.

Jean made this from the Dr. Seuss fabric

Jean also made this quilt and said it was very easy. 

Jean H. made this wool applique pillow

Cindy showed us this ergonomic rotary cutter. She'll test it out this next month and give us a review next meeting.

Jennifer is new to our group. She moved here after the horrific fires in Paradise, CA where she lost her entire home including all her quilts that were inside. She has a few pictures of some of the quilts she had given away to friends. We're excited to have you in the group.
Above is one she made using wool.
The four photos below are also pictures of some of Jennifer's quilts she had given away.

Jeri made this brick quilt.

Susan made these Christmas wool wall hangings

Susan made this Halloween table runner from Buttermilk Basin.

Susan made this wool wall hanging. She got the pattern from Primitive Quilts magazine.

Susan also made these fall wall hangings and the patterns were also from Primitive Quilts magazine.

Susan made these Valentines for gifts. These were her own patterns.

Both Susan and Rachel made this Lucky Dog quilt. Susan made the one above, Rachel, below.

Rachel made this quilt for her husband for Christmas.

This is a wool table topper that Rachel made.

This is a wool tray topper Rachel made. She interchanges different tray toppers on a tin tray she has hanging in her home.

Another wool tray topper from Rachel.

Rachel made this using towel fabric from Quilt Crossing. It's a pillowcase. Rachel says she always uses Heat n Bond lite for her wool work.

Rachel also made these polar bears using minky fur. All of Rachel's work this month was made while she recuperated from a surgery.

Rachel made 6 of these angel dolls.

These are snowpeople that Rachel made.

These Christmas elves were also made by Rachel. She got the kit from Quilt Etc in Sandy, Utah.

This is a Valentine garland Rachel made.

Monica made this Little Red Riding Hood quilt.

Kathi made this quilt for her daughter and new son-in-law.

Kathi made fabric copies of their wedding announcement for the back of the quilt.
The center of this is a fleece blanket of the San Francisco Bay Bridge which is a place that means a lot to Kathi's daughter and son-in-law. Kathi added a border and it made a perfect backing for their new quilt.


Jean shared how she uses these fork pins when she is nesting seams together. You can sew right over them because they are so thin.
Jean also demonstrated how she makes her appliques using an applique pressing sheet. She irons an entire piece or section of the picture so that it becomes one whole piece, then puts that piece onto the background so she can attach it using applique stitches.
This is a wool pressing mat. It heats up so that the appliques get heat from above (the iron) and heat from below (the pressing mat).


Asian style salad makings

Jean said she only uses half the amount of sugar called for and it's a great dressing for so many things.

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